Friday, July 28, 2006


I went to a cake decorating class yesterday. Wahhh discovering my keras-tangan, with that supposedly to look like a train cake.. Sooo tak creative lah me... By the end of the class habis lenguh-lenguh tangan...

On the positive note, this train impressed the heck of Emran.. So awed was he looking at it, sampai tak sabar-sabar nak makan.. Since his birthday is not till the weekend after next, I took the cake to his taska... For him and his friends to enjoy after school today...

And, dengan tak di sangka-sangka, my office mate, dah booking 1 biji for her son's birthday.. Cheewahhh, tapi I have to solek-menyolek the cake to resemble Thomas Train... Well, time to watch Thomas Train dvd for inspiration then...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


This is Emran.. He is going to be 5 in Aug... 5? Goodness, has it been that long since my first pregnancy? Aiyoo.. time to have another one lah.. But so far nothing yet.. Tak de rezeki lagi la tu.. Being 5, he is very imaginative, talkative, active, sometimes sentitive.. His imagination is boundless, last year he had a playmate, a sister, called 'adik nurulajijah'.. Bets me where he get the name from.. Nowadays, when asked about his 'sister', his reply - adik dah pegi jauh dok umah mummy & daddy dia, with her abang! Bless him, his 'sister' used to scare the beejeebbers outta my sis-in-law, Amy..

But now, he is planning for a new sibling.. Kesian pulak bila dia angan2 ada adik.. Beskal yang kecik ni Emran nak bagi to adik.. hmmm.. in fact I have truckloads of stuff of Emran that currently occupying the floor to ceiling wardrobe at home! Nak buang sayang, nak sedekah macam tak patut.. used goods, macam tak baik nak bagi orang kan.. in fact things like his graco travelling system pun ada nicely bungkus by hubby in store room.. If i get pregnant now, by next year, that thing will be 5 year old model.. So how? tak kan nak pakai out-dated stoller, strolling around the city.. tak kelllles la kan.. HA HA HA.. pssst.. don't tell hubby, or he will pengsan with my planning to buy a new stroller.. can hear him nag, nag, nag.. hu hu hu...

Oh-oh, lookit! Very cutey-mutey babies. LOL. Those are baby photos of yours truly and dear hubby.. I was 9 month-old then, hubby - not sure.. Gotta check the back of photo.. Orang dulu2 suka tulis tarikh dan peristiwa of each photo kat belakang. Which is me? How can! I kan pompuan, of course the one in the dress mah.. Got pics of apple & pear somemore.. Mak told me those fruits were bright red and yellow.. Obviously taken in photo studio somewhere..

Hubby pic was captured in that antique, besi walker.. Mana nak cari that kind anymore.. Now everything is made of plastic. So classic these photos. Everytime Emran sees this, he will claim it as his.. Ehhh excuse meeeee... Ingat semua gambar baby dia punya jer.. To me, Emran look mostly like his daddy.. Well, he can have my intelligence, heh! In fact he looks like miniature hubby now..

Oh eeep! I need a daughter to be my mini me.....

Sunday, July 23, 2006


I made this delicious dessert last night. The mixed fruit slight sourness balance out the sweetness of the pudding which is great!

Recipe - Fruity Caramel Pudding

for the caramel
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water

for the pudding
2 cans evaporated milk
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
8 eggs

Steam for 30 minutes. Serve chilled with drained mixed fruits in can. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Will you look at that! This beautiful purply thing had sprouted from my 'garden' just outside my kitchen door.

My 'garden' if you can actually call it a garden, is this pathetic 22ft x 2 ft (width) piece of land behind my 'ciput' (small) linked house. The first time Mak saw my attempt to cultivate my piece of land, she smirked and rolled her eyes - well, SHE has 8 acres of land surrounding HER house to toil with! humph.. with semangat waja, I planted a few spices of malay herbs for my own use..

I'm sure you can see the pokok (trees) have survived my amateur green thumb. Ada pokok pandan, curry leaves, limau purut (hmm attacked by some kind of green caterpillar), bird eye chillies, lengkuas and if you squint real hard there is the big banana trunk at the end. Sadly that hunka trunk will be chopped down next week. There is also lemongrass and egg plant at the other end of this photo...

Am I proud and happy with my gardening adventure? You betcha! Next project, tomatoes, capsicums and big red chillies to add some colours to my garden...