Friday, July 28, 2006


I went to a cake decorating class yesterday. Wahhh discovering my keras-tangan, with that supposedly to look like a train cake.. Sooo tak creative lah me... By the end of the class habis lenguh-lenguh tangan...

On the positive note, this train impressed the heck of Emran.. So awed was he looking at it, sampai tak sabar-sabar nak makan.. Since his birthday is not till the weekend after next, I took the cake to his taska... For him and his friends to enjoy after school today...

And, dengan tak di sangka-sangka, my office mate, dah booking 1 biji for her son's birthday.. Cheewahhh, tapi I have to solek-menyolek the cake to resemble Thomas Train... Well, time to watch Thomas Train dvd for inspiration then...